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                        Beyoiid the Fraud Triangle                                                                                                       Page 1 of8

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Beyond the Fraud Triangle

Enhancing Deterrence of Economic Crimes


S*ptomb«rfOctotor 2011

Fraud avamtaare háve ušed the faudtríangie as a standard method stnce the 1950s to undecstsrd fraudsters'                               Acn
mofoatíons. However, tho tfiangte ismadequate for doterring, ^evanftog and detocting fatxl ůecaus© pre$$ire
andrationalization oennot be observod and do not aclequatety expfaín evay ocajrrencd offreud. Horo aro sune                           Boókslore
toofa that go further.

Adapter! front "Beyond the Rand Triangle, "publi&hed In ttreJufy 201ú íbsug ofThe CPA Jotmal, copyright 3010,
wth permisshn frvm the New York State Setiety ofCestifled PuMtc Arjcotu)lůnti< (NYSSCPA).

                            .—  tn 1976. Walmart hlrad Thomas Coughlin as dlredor
                                of lo$s prevemion. Ověř the years. Coughlíri worked
                                his wey up řn the orgarozetion to became vioe
                                chAmsn, one of the most powerfii pceitions In the
                                cfgariiation. But in lubníi 2005, Walmart1s hoard of
                                dirsctore forced Coughlin to resign amid alegafione of

                                fraud ari daceit.

                                                                             to an Apríl 6, 2005, artlde In The Wall Slreot Journal,
                                                                             reportéra James Band Iar and Ann ammermar wrate
                                                                             lhal "Mr, Coughlin periodfcally had subordinates
                                                                             creetefeke Invoicea to get Walmart to payforhb
                                                                             p$f5cnpl expense* The quESťanabie Bctívtty

                                                                             appeara to invotvo dozers of transactions over more
                                                                             than Rva years, indudíng huniing vaoallons, a $1,359

palrof aligátor bočte ciistcm rode fbr Mr. Coughlin and a $2.530 dog pen tor Mr. Coughlns Arkanses herně."

Accwťlrig to the adici e.tha tála! eatimBtefDrqijoallonablelransadions was betwen $100,000 and $500,000. In
JanuarySOOS, Coughlin pieaded gu lity ta fotony wlrafrard and taxevaslonchargesfor embezzllng cash, glft
cards and merchandee finom Walmart..

What rnakes the Coughlin tale so interesting is that The Wall Street Journal reporled that to the year frnmadíatety
prior lo hís "reaigndKon." Coughlin^ oompeneefon toteled more lhán $8 mllon.

RbWng e $5 milion ocmpensatícn package, ps wetl as the shama and related cDnsequetices.for e few hin*sd
ttiouBand dallart over a five-year pariad seema Irratlonal, Coughlto'8 bahavtor ateD Is Iroorabtant wlth the fraud
triangle model, devaloped in the mld-20th century, bacausa the motivaficn for this fraud did rol appear to ba
caused by a norcharable finandal pressure.

The ACFEs *2010 Repcrt ta the Nafions’ estimetes the cosi crf fnaud to be 5 peroent of businesses' annual
revenues. Globály, thls translales to ^jpnadmately $2.9 triRon oí ewwmia k»aes due to fnaud. to response,
antMraud efforts háve aitradedtheattfinlior cf a wtdagroupofprofesstonals: Intornal and extimal audltors,
membere of boande of dlrectorsand auditcommitlees, management and regulátore.
To ixidsretand why peepte commil fraud, many antl-fraud profeseicnals refer to the fraud triangle. Ite significance
In understandlng mrtlvedgn fs most evfdent ln Stfllement on Audltlng Standards (SAS) 99. "Conslderallon of
Freiid in a Financial 9talemant Audit," wtilch rnakes the concept centrál. Nevertridess, slnce the 19505,
prcrfessšonale and acadBmice háve ofíerod Importent ineights that háve gone beyond Ihe fraud trianele. These
extensions heve enhanoed professkjnals'ability loprevent, deter, deted, investígate and remajlale fraud.
R©*MUuh beyond Ihe fraud Irtangle—*umm»1ie