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Vyjádření politiků osobaid:lucie-barankova-vilamova

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Našli jsme 853 výsledků na výraz osobaid:lucie-barankova-vilamova.

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Celá zpráva Platforma Politik Ze dne Zpráva
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 23.11.2022 .@BostonJoan explains the rise of conspiracy theories, including about 9/11, on TV and the early internet in the latest episode of @jordanklepper Fingers The Conspiracy
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 23.11.2022 Letting people pay for blue check marks on Twitter went wrong? Who could've seen that coming?
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 23.11.2022 Full Interview with former president @BarackObama:
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 22.11.2022 ►LISTEN: ►WATCH:
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 22.11.2022 “I assume whenever I’m in Russia, China or Qatar, I’m being watched. And I don’t think that’s being paranoid.” Sports journalist @GrantWahl joins @roywoodjr to talk about the realities of covering the World Cup
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 22.11.2022 That time @fluffyguy and Trevor were on the road with $100 worth of Taco Bell
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 22.11.2022 Eight billion people on the planet? Congrats to everyone for smashing!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 21.11.2022 "It's just this new generation of fearless soccer players who just want to go out and prove to the world that Americans can do it, too." @cpulisic_10
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 21.11.2022 If Trump wants to beat DeSantis, he may need to grab a pair of bad b***h boots. @roywoodjr
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 21.11.2022 Move over, Musk!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 20.11.2022 We need to talk about Jonathan Majors' Men's Health cover
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 20.11.2022 Here's the difference between British, American, and Latino World Cup commentators. #BetweenTheScenes
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 19.11.2022 "One of the strangest phenomena you'll ever experience, if you have the chance, is meeting @BarackObama." #BetweenTheScenes
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 19.11.2022 .@Nas discusses why it's important for hip-hop artists to expand and grow as the genre grows
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 19.11.2022 RT @BarackObama: Our @ObamaFoundation Leaders are working hard to tackle some of our toughest challenges. It was great having some of them…
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 "[Young people's] enthusiasm, I think, is what really drove this election" Former President Barack Obama
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 Step aside, Gettysburg Address. Herschel Walker just gave the new greatest speech of all time
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 RT @ObamaFoundation: 📽️ Check out President @BarackObama and @TrevorNoah talk with changemakers from our Obama Foundation network about the…
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 A panel of leaders for The Obama Foundation speak about their experiences, both personal and professional, working with Obama. #BetweenTheScenes
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 Former President @BarackObama discusses how right-wing media feeds America's hyperpolarization and how the tide can still be shifted. Full interview:
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 Full interview with President @BarackObama:
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 Backstage with President @BarackObama!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 TONIGHT: President @BarackObama is here!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 18.11.2022 Tonight at 11/10c on Comedy Central: Trevor and President @BarackObama talk midterms, democracy, and most imporant: does he miss being called Barack?
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Lucie Baránková Vilamová, Ph.D. (*1984) 17.11.2022 House Republicans are getting to work on the issues that mat—HUNTER BIDEN

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