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Vyjádření politiků osobaid:vit-rous

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Celá zpráva Platforma Politik Ze dne Zpráva
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 20.04.2023 "Začali střílet do vzduchu, aby dav uklidnili" je asi nejlepší dnešní hláška. No, překvapivě to úplně nezafungovalo a dav začal ještě více panikařit..
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 7.02.2023 vůbec nebrečim...
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 1.02.2023 Ano, mají!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 23.01.2023 Je to pravý diplomat, to nemůžu říct 😄
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 22.01.2023 Pokud by bylo napadeno Polsko nebo Slovensko, poslal byste vojáky na pomoc. AB: Určitě ne! Nechci posílat děti do války.. Víc asi netřeba slyšet, aby příčetný člověk věděl, koho volit 🤦‍♂️
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 12.01.2023 Join Assistant Opinion Editor Alison McCook as she sits down with bestselling author and TV commentator (and Philadelphia-area native) Rebecca Traister to discuss the new faces taking office in Washington and Harrisburg.
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 9.01.2023 Happy Tuesday 2'sday! Ready for some serious savings? Two pizzas for the price of one. Every. Single. Tuesday. What The Hut?!🤯🍕
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 28.12.2022 It's a once-in-a-lifetime hit! Read the story behind the young man that pulled the Messi 1/1 World Cup sticker! VISIT: #whodoyoucollect @TeamMessi #thehobby #FIFAWorldCupQatar2022 #WorldCup2022 #Messi𓃵 #Argentina #FIFAWorldCup2022 #WorldCup2022
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 26.12.2022 New anti-CAR Linker #antibodies from Cell Signaling Technologies detect surface expression of scFv-based CARs, regardless of antigen specificity. Learn more on the blog. #Immunooncology #Cancer #Immunotherapy
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 19.12.2022 Register for webinars on neurodegeneration presented by leading researchers from around the globe. Stay current on research investigating the connections & mechanisms that drive The Hallmarks of Neurodegeneration. #metabolism #neurodegeneration
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 17.12.2022 Slunce a Měsíc se dá s pousmánín přejít, že je prostě blbej. Ale tahle sonda do duše psychopata je teda ještě o level horší..
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 16.12.2022 ISTE U’s online courses help educators develop digital competencies and advance their careers by exploring critical topics in education. They’re pedagogy driven and research-based – the ultimate PD combo. Spring instructor-led courses enrolling now. Class starts 2/13!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 15.12.2022 Hit the markets with an industry-leading provider and benefit from powerful platforms, elite execution and 20 years’ market experience.
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 14.12.2022 This is what I'm doing instead. #sponsored #R29xHilton
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 5.12.2022 RT @AAAGeorgia: Start your holiday travel stress-free with GO With Us airport transportation. AAA Members save 10% on one-way or round-trip…
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 5.12.2022 Why Family First Life? Here is why!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 30.11.2022 According to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Blood, investigators have discovered the mechanisms by which a particular protein promotes cancer cell proliferation and survival in acute myeloid leukemia.
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 23.11.2022 Now that the election is over, it’s time to get to work! We need to fix roads and improve transit to the Valley. We appreciate your support and know we can count on you to deliver on Measure W projects!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 21.11.2022 📢Are you looking to make an impact? Become a member in California! Join the movement of powerful mothers and others fighting for a livable climate for all children.
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 17.11.2022 Every healthcare journey is a series of moments. Bamboo Health makes sure none of them go unnoticed by helping your organization achieve CareFlow.™ Learn how we can help your organization improve post-discharge ER admissions with Real-Time Care Intelligence ™.
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 16.11.2022 Bring custom AR experiences you create in Lens Studio to your own mobile apps with Camera Kit. The Camera Kit beta is welcoming new developers — apply to join the community!
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 14.11.2022 Working with the GA4 BigQuery Export? Check out Adswerve's "Universal Analytics to GA4 - BigQuery Guide" for the latest expert insights on how you can better prepare for the query migration stage.
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 14.11.2022 Fresh off the virtual stage of #GoogleCloudNext, Adswerve Solutions Engineer Pat Grady is back to share more in-depth knowledge of his look at unstructured data analysis within #BigQuery ML. Check it out now! @GoogleCloudTech
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 10.11.2022 How the TikTok tech star is changing the digital world as we know it. #ad
Celá zpráva Twitter Ing. Vít Rous (*1982) 8.11.2022 for those hiring remote software engineers: i've put together a special offer for pre-seed to Series A companies. You can get 240 hours of free software engineering w/ micro1

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