Textová podoba smlouvy Smlouva č. 20731039: Dodatek č. 2

Příloha amendment No. 2_41_ds_2022_rs.pdf

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                        AMENDMENT No. 2


                      registered by the Buyer under No. 041/OS/2021

                         (hereinafter referred to as the “Amendment“)


with its registered office at Prague 1, Růžová 6, House No. 943, 110 00, Czech Republic

entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section

ALX, Insert 296

Business ID:                00001279

Tax registration No.:       CZ00001279

represented by:             Tomáš Hebelka, MSc, Chief Executive Officer

Bank details:               XXX

Account number:             XXX

IBAN:                       XXX

BIC/SWIFT:                  XXX

(hereinafter reffered to as the “Buyer”)


LUX – Ident s.r.o.

with its registered office at Tovární 368, Žichlínské předměstí 563 01, Lanškroun

entered in the Commercial Register administered by County Court in Hradec Králové, Section

C, Insert 1829

Business ID:                25973959

Tax Identification No.:     CZ25973959

Represented by:             Michal Smetana, Managing Director

Bank details:               XXX

Bank Account:               XXX

IBAN:                       XXX

SWIFT kód:                  XXX

(hereinafter the "Seller")

(the “Buyer” and the “Seller” hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” or “Contracting

The Framework Agreement for the supply of Chip Prelaminates registered by the Buyer under
No. 041/OS/2021, which was concluded on 26th March 2021, as amended by the Amendment

No. 1, which was concluded on the 6th April 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the “Framework


This Amendment is concluded due to circumstances on the world market of chip modules, in
particular increase of chip shortage and chip allocation, which led to increase of lead times and
unexpected jump in chip prices.
The below stated amendments are being made in compliance with the Section 222 paragraph
4 of the Act No. 134/2016 Coll, on the award of public contracts, as amended.


In accordance with the provision of Article XIV paragraph 1 of the Framework Agreement the
Parties have agreed upon the following changes to the Framework Agreement:

The unit prices for below mentioned types of Chip Prelaminates listed in Annex No. 2 to this
Framework Agreement are following:

XXX                                                              XXX

The other unit prices listed in Annex 2 shall remain unchanged.


1. The other provisions of the Framework Agreement shall remain unchanged. All terms
    referred to in the Amendment are to be incorporated and to be interpreted under the same
    principles and conditions as provided in the Framework Agreement to which the
    Amendment forms an integral part.

2. This Amendment comes into force on the day it is signed by both Parties and taking effect
    once it is published in the Register of Contracts.

3. The Parties take into consideration that this Amendment shall be published in the Register
    of Contracts pursuant to Act No. 340/2015 Coll., laying down special conditions for the
    effectiveness of certain contracts, the disclosure of these contracts and the register of
    contracts (the Register of Contracts Act), as amended. The publication shall be arranged
    by the Buyer.

 4. This Amendment is prepared in electronic form and signed by electronic signatures of both
    Contracting Parties in accordance with Act No. 297/2016 Coll., on services creating trust
    for electronic transactions, as amended.

5. The Parties represent and warrant that they have read the Amendment
    and accept its contents, in witness whereof they attach their signatures.

For the Buyer:                           For the Seller:
In Prague, on ................           In Lanškroun On ……………….

___________________________              ___________________________
Tomáš Hebelka, MSc                       Michal Smetana
Chief Executive Officer                  Managing Director
STÁTNÍ TISKÁRNA CENIN, státní podnik     LUX-IDent s.r.o.
