Textová podoba smlouvy Smlouva č. 7035839: Konfirmace uzavřeného spotového obchodu trade ID: 2260792181

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                        Subject                                      <9irm/

Cepro A.S. has executed a FX Spot trade with Deutsche Bank AG Prague; USDCZK; Buy 1,000,000.00 USD at
          for value date 19-Oct-2018.

Trade Summary:                               007671

Trade Type:        FX Spot
CCY Pair:          USDCZK
Client Name:       Cepro A.S.
User ID:
Trade ID:          2260792181
Trade Date:        17-0ct-2018
Executed At:       17-0ct-2018 11:04:15 GMT
Counterparty:      Deutsche Bank AG Prague

Client Buys USD:   1,000,000.00
Client Sells CZK:
Value Date:        19-Oct-2018
Spot Reference:

This summary is for information purposes only and does not create any legal binding obligations on Deutsche
Bank AG and its affiliates (together "DB"). This information does not constitute a confirmation of any
transactions and you should rely solely on the final confirmation documentation relating to the transactions.
In the event of any disparity between this information and the confirmation, the confirmation will prevail.
Any errors in this summary should be communicated to your DB Account Executive immediately. DB makes
no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever for the reliability, accuracy or completeness of this
information. Any reliance that you place on this information is at your own risk.