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Vyjádření politiků ( OsobaId:filip-dechterenko )

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Našli jsme 898 výsledků na výraz ( OsobaId:filip-dechterenko ) .

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Celá zpráva Platforma Politik Ze dne Zpráva
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 17.09.2022 RT @stefsiohan: #Ukraine I am not sure that Europe and the world understand the nature of the genocidal discourse about Ukraine circulating…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 4.07.2022 RT @rmarkdown: How to create a CV with Rmarkdown, Awesome CV and Google Sheets by Darwin Cubi #RStats #rmarkdown
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 30.06.2022 RT @stas_kulesh: I’ve asked my little AI tool (powered by @OpenAI’s GPT-3) to generates some palettes. The prompt was: “Generate a list of…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 26.05.2022 RT @StevenDakin: Staying on the theme of “Online talks i’d like to see” how about “Journal club classics”? Vision scientists pick a favouri…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 26.05.2022 RT @boztank: Great work from our AI teams building the MyoSuite platform—I'm excited at the significant impact this could have on advancing…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 25.05.2022 RT @jbkunst: I am teaching an introductory course #rstats and data and at one point I felt the need to make data sets to show the relevanc…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 20.05.2022 RT @SolomonKurz: Any package developer who says "I looove documentation" is alright, by me.
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 7.06.2022 RT @iamscicomm: A thread about using fonts/typography in presentations. Decisions about text matter. Just as you can speak the same word in…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 30.05.2022 RT @sharoz: The aperture problem of motion perception:
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 27.05.2022 RT @KevinRothrock: Many ways to interpret this: (1) the mood inside the Kremlin shifts faster than a temperamental teen’s, (2) Kyiv’s alarm…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 7.06.2022 RT @moebio: 5000 double pendulums, with a tiny (0.000001 rad) variation on starting angles. Color line connects original neighbours, thickn…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 18.05.2022 RT @WilmaBainbridge: Come by Talk room 1 at #VSS2022 to finish up the conference with great talks about visual memory!!
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 5.07.2022 RT @tmfmnk: Just recently came across of this #RStats dplyr function that updates values of one table by values of a replacement table 👇 Ho…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 23.06.2022 cool weapon!
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 16.07.2022 RT @PlatformAdam: Drought in #Italy from space! Outstanding dryness in the cloud free #Copernicus #Sentinel3 of today, July 15th, during th…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 14.07.2022 RT @pickover: Mathematics, physics, pendulums, penguins. Perfect timing. By Gavin Shapiro, a brilliant digital artist who always makes us…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 11.08.2022 RT @jlukavsky: Multiple Deatheater Tracking
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 8.08.2022 RT @emollick: One personality test to rule them all… This paper finds that somewhere between 71% and 83% of all commonly used psychologic…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 8.09.2022 🛡 Have no fear, Deel Shield is here! Now you can fend off misclassification risks by letting Deel classify and hire contractors on your behalf. 🦾 It’s our liability ➕ More protection for you ✨ A great contractor experience all around Learn more 👉
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 12.09.2022 RT @GemrotJ: ATACMS and jets for Ukraine in return 🙏 @POTUS
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 30.08.2022 RT @jlukavsky: Prior expectations and memory for hues - visit our poster at @ecvp2022 num82 this aftenoon! Joint work with Eliska Simsova a…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 29.08.2022 RT @m_the_cohen: NEW PAPER ALERT: Very happy to post a new paper with @timothyfbrady & @jonathanmkeefe on whether or not information reach…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 12.08.2022 RT @dsquintana: We’re not talking enough about the espresso reproducibility crisis ☕️
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 3.08.2022 RT @stephenlacy: I am uncovering what seems to be a massive widespread malware attack on @github. - Currently over 35k repositories are in…
Celá zpráva Twitter Mgr. Filip Děchtěrenko, Ph.D. (*1988) 20.07.2022 RT @morozov_dev: How the loading progress bar works

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