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Vyjádření politiků osobaId:martin-tesarik

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Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 18.06.2021 Make mistakes and learn from them, but make sure those mistakes are identified and addressed so that they aren't made again. Inner Edison Podcast with James Marszalek - #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 16.06.2021 Thanks Tim! So glad we could make it happen for you. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 14.06.2021 How does your employee count affect the way your income is measured and how you qualify for your mortgage? #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 30.06.2021 Thanks Shawn, I don't mess around. Whatever questions you have, I'm here to address them. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 28.06.2021 Many first-time homebuyers ask what an inspection contingency is. It's a 17 day period to evaluate the property for issues. Don't pass up this time to understand what you're getting into. #EdParcaut #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 25.06.2021 Greg Kyler started a business at 40 years old and grew it to the top by focusing on people. Listen to the full episode at #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 12.01.2021 Opened up a box today and wasn’t expecting a trophy. I want to thank my team(Amy, Fab, Kathy, Yovana)for all the hard work. Only as good as my team! @ Modesto, California
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 19.10.2020 Good morning! @ Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 8.10.2020 Enjoying my wine, my woman and our song! @ Redwood Cafe
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 23.06.2021 As an entrepreneur, you have to DO to gain experience. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 21.06.2021 On Real Estate Jerky with Joe Caccamo, one of the topics that came up is "Why are public storage units a hot investment?" #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 11.06.2021 From being bought out of his own company to growing his new company faster than ever, Eli Harris is a perfect example of how entrepreneurs only get stronger when they learn from the past. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 9.06.2021 Our failures are just lessons that make us even stronger. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 7.06.2021 The incredibly low inventory levels that we are experiencing, is one of the biggest reasons why finding the right home can take longer than it did in the past - Real Estate Jerky #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 4.06.2021 On the latest episode of the Inner Edison Podcast, I talked with Mario Nawfal about growth hacking, entrepreneurship, and his greatest Edison moment. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 2.06.2021 I try to keep the process as smooth as possible because I understand how stressful buying a home can be. Thanks for your review Kelvin. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 25.05.2021 On the latest episode of the Inner Edison Podcast, Kimberly Darr talked to us about how trusting her gut has changed her life. To listen to the full episode, head over to #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #Podcast #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 6.09.2021 We aren't in a bubble or a bust, we are in a boom and it's going to continue this way for a long time. #EdParcaut #RealEstateJerky #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur #MortgageBroker #Mortgage
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 2.07.2021 Why have a podcast? Alex Sanfilippo told us how podcasts allow you to connect with some incredible people and build on the "know, like, and trust" stages with your audience. Tune in to the Inner Edison podcast for more. #EdParcaut #InnerEdison #Podcast #Podcasting #Entrepreneur
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 17.09.2016 Keep track of the air your family breathes:
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 15.09.2016 This new tech definitely looks like it'll be fun once it's available.
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 13.09.2016 You can give your creativity a boost by adding a little color to your space:
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 26.09.2016 This traditional home got a beautiful modern upgrade.
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 23.09.2016 Who said choosing neutral colors is boring?
Celá zpráva Twitter Martin Tesařík (*1954) 22.09.2016 Have a tiny kitchen? Here are some clever ways you can decorate it:

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